About the tour
Visitors that discover Siena for the first time are always confused when they run into a statue that looks exactly like the she-wolf of Rome with twins. Well, the two cities are actually linked by a legend. According to this legend, the city was founded by Senius and Aschius, twin sons of Remos, who had to flee Rome when their father was killed by Romolus. They were riding two horses, one black and one white. Upon arriving in the tuscan territory, by Mount Verna, they encountered a she wolf, which they interpreted as a divine sing build the town of “Senia” in honor of Senius, while Aschius founded near by the city later know as “Asciano”.
We will walk trough the “Terzieri”, the tree hills that still today are the foundation of Siena. From the “Terzo di Camollia” and the church of Saint Domenic trough the “Terzo di Città” with the Cathedral of the Holy Assumption and the famous Piazza del Campo and the Palazzo dei Priori to finish with the “Terzo di San Martino” with the Synagogue and the wonderful church of Santa Maria dei Servi.
What you will visit
The main historical center of Siena,
from “via dei Banchi” , the streets of the bankers, trough via dei Pellegrini, the one of the pilgrims to Piazza del Duomo.
The famous Piazza del Campo
with its Political Center and the Cathedral Square with its religious center.
The Basilica of Santa Maria dei Servi,
in beautiful Romanesque style was first built in the 13th century. Today is the result of a reconstruction that was carried on trough the 15th and 16th century. One of the less know but in my opinion most interesting churches of Siena.