About the tour:
Siena is known as the city of Saints and Blessed. But what does it mean? Well, first of all in the only city has not just one, but four patron saints. And is also the city that gave birth to many “Beati” or blessed, which means those who dedicated their life to the city and its citizens without properly following the many steps requests to be declared “ Saints”. I know, it sounds quite strange but believe me, it can be fascinated. This tour is dedicated to the life of the Saints and the blessed of Siena, to learn about their life and dedication to their causes, their birth place even. From Saint Cathrine of Siena and the Church of San Domenico to the Cathedral and the altars the four patron saints, to the hospital of “Santa Maria della Scala” to visit the “pellegrinaio”, a special section, inside the main hospital, beautifully decorated with frescos, where the many pilgrims that stoped in Siena could find shelter and medical care…and also a safe place for their belongings.
What you will visit:
The Church of Saint Domenic, the Dominican church of Siena where the relics of Saint Catherine of Siena are still kept today.
The Cathedral of Siena, the most important church for the city, dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
The Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala, today a museum, it was once the civic hospital of the Republic of Siena that was in used until 1981.